Hello, I am Ben and this is my blog. (as if you didn't already know that). I have decided to start writing here more often because sometimes I am bored and I think it will be fun. It will also be a good place to put my thoughts to words instead of them being kept in by head and forgotten. I will also be posting about the going ons in my life. Not that anybody would really want to hear about them. But maybe a few will be amused by my strange almost childlike antics. Who knows Maybe I will even meet someone new. We'll see. As for now I would like you to meet some people who are very close to me.... In fact they are me. :) My alter egos.
Just for fun
I will let my alter egos post here from time to time, so be ready for anything. To get you used to them I'll introduce them now.
This is Benjamin Tesla .
He is a Mad scientist. One of his recent accomplishments is the Hydrogen Fuel Cell (H-gen). Used in improving gas mileage, it converts plain water into an explosive gas called HHO that helps gas burn more efficiently in the engine. The device is still in its experimental stages and is scheduled to be in use before the end of the month.
He can be kinda CRAZY sometimes but he is relatively harmless..... His experiments on the other hand can get dangerous. The H-gen employs such elements as water, electricty, and explosive gas. What could possibly go wrong?
On a different note, this is Ben Paganini.
He is the resident Musician. Not proficient at any single instrument just yet, He enjoys playing a wide variety of instruments and music. Though fairly good at learning the basics of any musical device in a single afternoon he is currently focusing on the Guitar, Piano ,Ocarina and Violin.
Here is the artist of the group.....If you can call it art. Kal Ravone. Oops, only one of his drawings could come. ;)
It is more like cartoons than art, but Artist makes me feel more elegant, more lofty, more esteem. Okay so maybe they are just cartoons but they rock don't they? There are more at http://coyote-squadron.deviantart.com/ if you would like to see them.
Not much to say about him except that he likes to draw and write. Why anthro characters all of the time you may ask? Because they are just plain fun to draw. :)
Well that is all of them... I think.
Its time for me to get ready for church. I hope that was amusing. Until next time. Farewell.
P.S. Please forgive the atrocious pictures.
Yay! A new post!